What is Amiga All About? |
The New AmigaComputing today should not be hardware specific, but content specific. A computer should work the way you think, not the other way around. It should be easy to use and scalable, meeting everyone's needs. There should be easy access to what is important to the user without the user having to worry about the constraints or compatibilities of the operating system.The current strategy of offering different operating systems for different devices is a flawed strategy and cannot succeed. There must be a cohesive, scalable operating system that provides brilliant multimedia performance on all supported products, from cell phones to multi-processor servers. Amiga, Inc. with our partner The Tao Group, Inc., is developing a new breed of operating system that is so radical and revolutionary that it requires a new name: The Digital Environment (DE). It is time for a scalable, easy-to-use Digital Environment that will foster the creation of content and provide convenient, intuitive features and functions. Next: Features of the Amiga Digital Environment |
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